Whitehorse - The Yukon Anti Poverty Coalition is pleased to release the first ever Yukon Poverty Report Card as part of Campaign 2000’s annual assessment of child and family poverty in Canada. The “Saskatchewan Child and Family Poverty Report” is also being released today.
“We are pleased to be joining other jurisdictions in raising awareness and providing information about poverty in Canada,” says Kristina Craig, Executive Director. “The Yukon’s report includes 10 recommendations to improve the health and wellness of children, youth and families.”
“Poverty is drawn along equity lines,” says Leila Sarangi, author of Campaign 2000’s National Report Card. “First Nations, Inuit, Metis, racialized, immigrant children, children with disabilities and children in female led lone parent families are all over-represented in rates of poverty, while income and wealth continues to concentrate at the top.”
The Yukon Anti-Poverty’s mandate is to facilitate the elimination of poverty in the Yukon through awareness, education, advocacy and community building. Campaign 2000 began in 1991 out of concern about the lack of government progress in addressing child poverty. The Campaign 2000 coalition consists of 120 partners committed to addressing the issue of child and family poverty.